Thursday, May 20, 2010

Evelyn Glennie: Shows How to Listen

Describe what it felt like listening to her play. What factors helped create this moment? You can describe any of the times that she played on either instrument (the Snare drum or Marimba).
-The last Thing she played I guess on the Marimba, made me feel really down and just kept you quiet and watching and listening. It was powerful i could say because it felt like she was putting meaning into it.

What elements of her performance influenced what the audience heard?
-I think that really made her performance special or unique was that she's deaf. Something else about her performance was how she would play different things and explain how their different.

What did she mean by, "Each person experiences music in their own way"? Think about how you experience music and why everyone doesn't enjoy listening to the same music.
-Many people listen to music that they think fits them; their personality, the way they dress, etc. Some music or songs could be more meaningful to someone than it can be with some other person. What I think she meant by was each person experiences music in their own way was that everybody gets something different out of the same music.

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